Tuesday, October 19, 2010

#6:The lexicon I live in

Do NOT blame me for the post. The other day, in my probability class, the words that were so fluently ejecting off my prof are the ones which obviated my next step.  He was busy trying to feed our brains with some useful desserts (probably), while one of that was busy configuring the syntax of the food. :P

Hello!, such was the word power then! I wonder if I could get a good GRE score at the end somehow after i finish the course(which is also a probability :P) Yeah, so lets not ‘digress’. This ‘digression’ was where he led us to in the first class itself. So did I digress.. not to the destination he took the class to, though. Well, forget that and lets continue our discussion with ‘tenacity’. As i was saying, there are a lot of varieties in the profs you come across, and poor brain needs to have such a huge ram to switch its compatibilities from one to the other with good efficiency and reasonably needed frequency. ufff..

With so much of processing already being done, if a new task comes up, a high priority interrupt is raised and the system shuts. Though, sometimes, one might experience ‘serendipity’ on the way. Such cases are exceptional, mind you!  In some cases, the system just heats up and that might lead to a fatal flaw. :-o Anyway, thank God, that he has given the students enough size of ram to prioritize things properly, with tools like proxies, but damn! i just came to know there are profs who detect forgery with the blink of an eye! aaargh! And people still say, God plays fair!! well, maybe he does, who knoes that guy might have used up full ram while doing it, which, can not be done by people like me, with already so much parallel processing taking place. :D whatever, i like this ‘conjecture’ and please myself so.

geee.. :D

PS:  The ‘quoted’ ones were the literal words the prof i mentioned in the beginning used- viral, init!? :P

Monday, October 4, 2010

#5: Throwing 'Light' on The Einstein Paradox

Hey there!
dont go too hay-way about the title of the blog,dude, you have seen it right. I call it the Einstein paradox, for reasons, gonna become obvious.
For a start, lets get back to our good old classical mechanics where everything starts acting weird and spooky. Oh yea, its this spookiness that led people take 'biggg' magnifying glasses and dig out such brilliant fundae as the strings, anti-gravity, anti-matter, especially quantum,etc. all is well till here. One big lead in this battalion of people was Albert Einstein.
As you should know, if you intend to stick to the rest of the blog, any body exibhits two kind of masses. The rest mass and the effective mass when in motion. Usually, whenever a body is in motion, its 'effective' mass will not be the same as what it was. But that difference is usually negligible for what bodies we come across everyday, or the macro ones. When we look at the atomic and sub-atomic level, things change. This was when a definition for a rest mass and mass in motion was needed- all a consequence of the theory of relativity.
When proposing the theory of relativity, Einstein has given his two most famous postulates, put in very simple terms as-
-speed of light is absolute
-speed of light is invariant
The reason behind the light's speed being absolute, was that the rest mass of a photon,(~a particle of light) is considered zero. And thus, lights speed was set as the limit and absolute. and there comes our famous equation, E=m*c^2.
BUT.. there is no solid proof to the statements made above. Oh yes, they say that the nuclear fission and fusion reactions carried out practically agreed with the equation. Well, right now i can only say hypothetically, that there might be energy which might be 'invisible' to those who are tapping it. Its still a mystery. How could one just set the limit like that? why is mass of a photon zero? (refer to 'tachyons') Why is lights speed invariant? Hope it gets resolved with a strong evidence one day.....
Waiting for such a day,
(This led me to go and work on relativity at IITM but in vain. There needs to be a strong proof and that can only come through practical demos, but I dont think there are instruments in todays world, where we can scale things up to the level of 'light'- the Almighty of classical mechanics. )

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

#4:Waka waka..

Tsamina mina eh eh.. waka waka eh eh.. this song must have reached millions worldwide. Brilliantly made and beautifully performed by Shakira, the song certainly evades ones soul off. Equally competent is the theme song of fifa-by k'naan.
I still remember the first time I listened to them. When I did, they were no special. But somehow, probably while shoulder sniffing over one of my friends, I got to watch the video of this song-Waka Waka. 'atta video, boy! The spirit and the energy were mind blowing, anyway, but the thing that moved me the most was the way life was picturized. You see all the Africans dancing around with such envi-able glee, least bothered about every other damn thing. Do you think you could ever do that in your life? forget everything, just love life and enjoy?
Its not all that pleasing to accept but the fact is, you cant. Just relax for a while, and think what you are making of your life. Remember, its your only life. Is it going to be a mere struggle for success or is it going to be a 'struggle' to keep yourself happy at the end of the day? Lets date back to the B.C. period, oh yes, they did not 'enjoy' any of these lucrative equipment but they lived life for living it. These days, the trend has gotten onto the other end of the rod. You live life to be a someone in this society, to have some status in this society, else it looks like there is no meaning to life. What if you are not that someone? what if you are a no-one? If as long as you live, you live happily, mind you!,your everything will be in place. So will the world be in its own. Its this strife to succeed, the ego when you can not see someone becoming the someone you wanted to be, the jealousy that crops up consequently that are ruining this world. Being a someone isnt wrong but that shouldnt be at such huge an opportunity cost as that of your happiness. Live life to love it! I wish I could get back to the good old times when all was well...
Might sound like emotional bullshit, but there were a lot of times, when in my own life, I underwent the same and it took a lot of time to realize that its time to move on, Just move on... Whether you live in a metropolitan city or over a countryside, it doesnt matter, all that matters is whether there were times in your life, where you just danced on and on like those gleeful ones in the video...
Just move on,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

#3:Life and its manifestations..

For a change, try discarding the electronic travel equipment and rely on ur feet.. stroll over the countryside.. into the woods and the bushes and into the nature if you really wanna know what life is... The place I currently live in is an amazing fiesta for nature walkers.
That reminds me of a professor, Dr.Susy Varughese, who introduced us to this side of science. It was part of a course called Industrial Design, where students are introduced to every discipline of Science and Technology. So, Prof. Susy was there to talk on bio stuff, like prosthetic arms,etc. Well, the subject totally squeezed out all the enthu in us, we, being techies, or rather non-biotics. :P But the moment I saw her, some kinda interest crept in. Her way of dressing,(very simple), talking and especially that aura of happiness and contentment I saw in her. They impressed me a lot. She is a simple woman, working and enjoying whose eyes see everything, naturally.
She told us to have a look at all those birds flying around us and gave names to each of those. Boy, I didnt know there were so many kinds of them till then, each unique in its own way.
On a stroll, yesterday evening, I was looking at all those different manifestations, this thing called life, takes over. It was just after a pour when the sun started to almost set but did not yet. The fresh green leaves, so lovely and lively, extending a warm welcome to their guest. The just-born flowers offering the untouched nectar happily to those colourful butterflies hovering around. The chirping birds chattering and twittering around giving you the most intersting company. Move on a little and there come the big ones- doggies and kitties, jumping around in ecstasy without any absolute thought of what next. From the corner of your eye, you can catch the glimpse of a hare running around, trying its best not to be seen. Then you encompass the very familiar huge family in the neighbourhood, of Mr & Mrs Bull, the air of pride in their walk, striding along the entire path. Then a roar of va-a-arious insects speeding ahead with the awe that reminds you of a lawyer ready to argue his case. Also, if you moved out at the right minute, you may come across a mongoose thieving around, a monkey surprising you, a snake startling you, or even a wild boar scaring you out of your senses, if at all you enter its private arena!
Such diversity of life.. left me dazzled and the best I can do is to share, how beautifully made our environment is, with my fellow sapiens....HOSANNA!

Friday, September 17, 2010

#2 - my best..... love you!

"Love uuuuuu", well, this sentence usually should trigger lotsa doubts and apprehensions among my well-wishers. But guys, I havent lost my track. Nevertheless, not to disappoint the other set, yes, its a special person I am talking about. Always with me, good or bad, better or worse, best or worst, mind you! always.. This is just a small way I wanna say thanks to that special person who made my life beautiful......

The day I saw you I never felt we would end up like this.. Never believed in Love at first sight till it really did happen... right with me... we spent so much of time together but still it all seems so little.. 'u wanna tok, o yes, i m waiting' kinda feel that gets into me when u r arnd... I never really understand how you maintain such a difficult aroma ALL the time... I tell you shit, you still laugh it off..  not at all expecting an ounce of what u give, u just amaze me... Oh God!... Can i ever understand you? I hope I can one day...

The way you talk whenever I am bored, the way we roamed around.... the way we hung out... the way you gave me everything i wanted... the way you understood me... I am in love.... yes, my friend, I am... I am glad to shout it out to the world... I love you, Kruthika Banpur! The most precious gift God gave me.. :) Kru and I met in the most peculiar way any gonna-be frnds ever could.. :P But the first day I met her, I started confiding in her... of things tangentially inclined from one to the other.. :) MY besssst buddy...(ps: the stress on 'my' is to be noted)

Thanks God!


oh yes, I am blogging. About? I asked myself this question a lot many times but in vain. There are just so so many things one can talk about, rather write about. Drives a huge impulse of thrill down my veins. I can tell,shout,scream,blabber to the world whatever shit I want, without giving a damn to my listener!! Damn it! isnt that cool?
To pick out one outta so many weird things, I can talk bout, is so difficult. Reminds me of the decision-making skills. i did not understand their importance until I had to stand on the cross-roads, staring at infinity, to try and see if at all I can deduce somethin outta it. Man, I suck at it! lemme produce a few excerpts where I had to decide and I failed miserably.
One such instance dates back to the time when I just finished my schooling. Everything was so organized till then. All my choices, whatsoever, were made by others without my intervention and i did not find anything wrong there. But when for the first time, my dad asked me what do you want to do, I kinda felt first shocked and thrilled that the choice was left to me. Yes, it was. But whats the use if you ask an Englishman wether he wants puranpoli or bhaji? both seem equally weird and interesting to him. Dreaming to become a doc from childhood, i wanted to pursue bio. But boom! there come so many comments from people far and near. well, i change to what they think is 'cool'(engg at that time). its a different issue that i ended up loving what i have taken up. But this is specific, generally it mite not be the case. Thank God, I was saved luckily.
The other instance was when I had to join my engg college and the dicipline. I hear voices suddenly all over again, each conveying its own message. With a lot to choose from, and a lot not to choose from, I finally did make a choice(its choice's' actually). This did not really please those around me, so I had to mend my choices a lil and submit. But in the process of allotment, the lil change got so amplified that I ended up getting a place I never even dreamt in the wildest of my dreams!(EE,IITH) You cant be saved always!
With the choice dawned upon, I did start my engineering in electrical dept in IITH. The place was nice, people cool. I was satisfied at the starting though a lil prick was always there. but God, didnt i know how it would turn out and nor did those influential ppl who threw it on till I enterd my third sem! I envied my CS classmates so much. But time passed by and played cupid yet again. EE exposed me to such great psycho-tism that now I started loving EE. Just yesterday when I was offered a minor in CS, I had gone to the level of dropping it!
U know what one can conclude from this detailed explanation: (come on, boost up ur philosophical tinge a lil) Its all for the good however stormy and yucky it might seem at the start! Oh yes, I believe in this quite well. Leaves me excited to know whats in store more! :D
Enough for the first ever blog(an actual one, forget the prev ones :P).. I donno how anyone who reads this will feel but I AM WAY TOO EXCITED!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Well, well, well.. don't ask me what made me make my frst post a c code but that was the frst thing that struck me! neva mind nyways, Hello world... it really took the message forward.. new to blogging, I stay here, not knowing what to post..

I do have my quizzes coming up this tuesday so i hope i do stay regular from then on.. ;) till then cya!

PS: i promise i wil think of something a lil less lamer than hello world this time. :P

Au Revoir,

yes.... @Shampooos..

 int main()
{printf(Hellow world!);
return ':)' ;
